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Get On Your Path Of Lasting Freedom From Food Addiction

With Support from Debbie, the Freedom Team

& A Sisterhood Of Like-Minded Women Who Are Sharing The Journey Alongside You.

I’m Ready To Start My Journey!

You’re Ready For Freedom From Food Addiction

Does any of this sound like you?

  • You you need to get free from your food obsession but the idea of getting on your path of freedom or trusting yourself scares you.
  • You want to have a healthy relationship with food, where you eat to live, but you don’t know where to start (and how to stop sabotaging your efforts)
  • You have a good life with lots to be grateful for but you’re not fully present for it or fully enjoying it.
  • Or perhaps you doubt your ability to stick with any path of freedom from food (given that in the past you’ve failed or haven’t stuck to the plan).
  • When you think about getting on the path of freedom, it feels overwhelming and you want a simple way to get started without breaking the bank.

Imagine having a healthier relationship with food, where food is a source of nourishment instead of a source of shame.

I’d love to show you how to…

  • Have more ease around your relationship with food without diets, detoxes or even focusing on food.
  • Put simple practices into place to stay out of anxiety and overwhelm.
  • Navigate social situations with food (restaurants, family gatherings, holiday parties, etc), so you never have to binge or obsess – before, during or after the engagement.
  • Stop your negative self talk and self-judgement in the moment.
  • Incorporate simple self care practices into your routine that will have you feeling calmer, grounded and centered throughout your day.
  • Amplify your connection with your Inner Guidance so that you feel naturally drawn to the foods that are in alignment for you.
  • Shift from worrying all the time to being more present for the things and the people most important to you.
  • Replace a sense of loneliness with a deeper sense of belonging and meaningful connection.
  • Stay in spiritual alignment – so that fear and doubt don’t send you back to your food sabotage cycle.

If this feels like a pipe dream for you right now, I’m here to tell you – it’s not.

I got on my path of freedom by taking one tiny, incremental step at a time in the midst of MAJOR self doubt and anxiety. I’ve now been living free from food addiction for 10 years

In my first year on the path of freedom from food addiction, I discovered simple foundational practices that were so effective, that upon implementing them, I almost immediately started experiencing more ease around my relationship with food. 
Then, I noticed after a few months, I wasn’t restricting calories during the day and bingeing at night anymore. 
I also wasn’t constantly thinking about food either. I could sense when I was actually hungry and I started to only eat at those times.
I even found myself going to places where I always used to binge – like my parent’s house, buffets, etc., WITHOUT even wanting  to overeat.
Something had changed and it was all happening without me thinking about it. I wasn’t trying to be “good.” It just felt normal – my new normal.
Over the last decade I’ve helped thousands of women use these very same foundational practices to get on their path of freedom from food too.
If we can do it, so can you!

I discovered that when women align in BODY, MIND and SPIRIT, their relationship with food falls into alignment as well.

Over the past few years, I’ve had the great honor to guide my private clients in coming into internal alignment and have witnessed miracles…
  • Women getting free from lifelong food addictions…
  • Losing 20, 30, 40, 50 pounds without even FOCUSING on food…
  • Eliminating anxiety for good…
  • Feeling lighter and comfortable in their skin…
  • Transforming strained marriages into healthy, intimate, loving ones…
  • Meeting soul mates after years of being single…
  • Reuniting with estranged family members…
  • Ending old patterns of people pleasing…
And having the confidence to authentically shine their light in the world.

Now I’m excited to share the very foundational practices that catalyzed their path of freedom with you. 

So YOU can start feeling a greater sense of ease around eating, get out of the overwhelm and anxiety, operate from a deeper level of inner trust and experience more FREEDOM from food.

NOW Is The Time To Get On Your Path Of Freedom From Food Addiction.
And That Starts With Building A Strong Foundation.

So whether you’re just coming to terms with having a food addiction…?

And you want to go slow so you don’t get stuck in denial or resistance.


You’ve been ready for FREEDOM from food addiction for years

I want to share with you exactly how to have a healthier relationship with food so you can get on your path of feeling lighter and more comfortable in your skin.



Use a proven framework to have a healthier relationship with food, Eliminate anxiety in the moment, And feel more comfortable in your skin… Without diets, detoxes or even focusing on food.

  • Start shifting from self-doubt to relying on your Inner Guidance for when, what and how much to eat so you can stop obsessing about food and feel nourished without overeating
  • Connect IN your body so you can begin feeling more connected to yourself and comfortable in your skin
  • Be with and “metabolize” your emotions so you don’t eat over them
  • Implement simple practices that set you up for more ease and flow throughout your day so you don’t default to patterns of worry, stress and anxiety
  • Deepen your spiritual connection so you feel centered and “ok” inside no matter what’s going on around you
  • And so much more!

Join me to learn the foundational practices for getting on your path of freedom from food addiction so you can have more ease with food, get out of overwhelm and feel more comfortable in your skin.

What’s Included



Inside this 3 month program, you’ll discover how to get on your path of freedom from food using simple techniques designed to bring you into body, mind, spirit alignment.

So that you can start developing an internal sense of ease and comfort that makes reaching for food (an external source of ease and comfort) a thing of the past.

Here’s what’s included…

Activate Your Freedom From Food
Jumpstart Training
(2 hrs – Valued @ $997)

  • Access your “Getting Started Action Plan.”

  • Learn the key foundational practices for getting on and staying on your path of freedom from food addiction.

  • Discover the top insider secrets of food freedom success.

3 Online Training Sessions with Deb –
Includes PROVEN tools and practices
(2 hrs – Valued @ $1297)

Each training session includes: 

  • A content-rich deep dive into of one of the 3 major foundational aspects to your path of freedom.
  • Step-by-step guidelines for how to implement these foundational tools right away, so that you have what you need to experience more ease with food now.

3 Clarity Breakthrough Group
Coaching Calls
(2 hrs – Valued @ $997)

Get your biggest questions answered and laser coaching so you can gain the distinctions and insights that will catapult you on your path of freedom.

3 Accountability & Action Calls
(2 hrs – Valued @ $497)

These calls are designed to help you stay connected, stay supported & stay in ACTION to build momentum on your path of freedom from food addiction.

5 Day-A-Week Virtual Coaching
In Your Private FB Community

Ask questions M-F and get support from Debbie and the Freedom Embodied Accountability Mentor Sisters – so you get the distinctions you need to build your foundation of freedom.

  • Get support and ACCOUNTABILITY from Deb and our team of Accountability Mentor Sisters.
  • Experience the power of women on the same journey alongside you sharing their inspiration, vulnerability, and ah-has and helping you to not feel alone on your path.
  • Be uplifted by a community of women inspiring each other to stretch beyond what they thought possible…

Content Rich Training Session TOPICS:


Get Your Mind Aligned

  • Learn the #1 insider practice you can implement right away that will start changing your relationship with food from the inside out
  • Discover the proven techniques that will help shift you out of overwhelm and eliminate anxiety in the moment.
  • Find out how to get your mind into alignment so you can transform self-judgment and negative thinking


Come Home Inside Your Body

  • Learn the secrets for how to connect IN your body so you can stop obsessing and worrying, and instead feel safe and calm inside.
  • Find out how to develop your body sense so you can identify when you’re actually hungry and when you’re full.
  • Discover simple body awareness building techniques that will help you to release stuck emotions so they don’t build up inside and drive you to food.


Make Food Your Spiritual Practice

  • Discover how to rely on your Inner Guidance for what, when and how much to eat.
  • Learn the fail proof practices to implement before, during and after you eat so you never have to overeat again.
  • Find out how to cultivate a greater sense of internal ease and comfort in order to have freedom from food addiction and obsession.

What Women Are Saying…


“I’ve stopped thinking about what to eat all the time, I’ve dropped 3 sizes and I lost 20 lbs without even focusing on it.”

I’d been overwhelmed for years by my bingeing and weight loss attempts. I tried every nutrition plan known to mankind, 12 steps, therapy, studied with Spiritual Masters and read bookcases of self help books. I was beyond frustrated and ashamed. Today I no longer crave foods I used to binge on, I’ve stopped thinking about what to eat all the time, I’ve dropped 3 sizes and I lost 20 pounds without even focusing on it. I’ve become more present, have less judgement and my marriage, which was on the rocks, is closer and more loving than ever.”

– Tomi B., Retired Healthcare Provider


“My life today is free, fulfilling and joyful!”

Before I started working with Deb, I was at the end of my rope. Beyond exhausted with my food addiction and ready to try one last thing or just cave into my food addiction till it killed me. As a result of the work Deb and I did together, I was able to gain more clarity about my food addiction and obsession and now have freedom using a system that actually works. As a result, I’ve lost 20 pounds, have met my life partner after years of being single and have started an energy healing practice, living my purpose. I’m able to be present in the moment, my addiction and obsession are gone and food no longer consume me.”

– Jackie B., Energy Healer, Consultant, Coach


“I am so grateful for the care, community and prayer-based tools that have set me free!”

“I met Debbie at at exactly the divine moment. I’m sure everyone feels that. But for me, she was the answer to a deep prayer. My life was good, I was outwardly successful, but there was a black hole that followed me around; I could not get a handle on my eating. I had tried diets and tapping and books but with no success. Then I signed up to work with Debbie and she led me through a detailed, profoundly spiritual, compassionate process. I am so grateful for the care, community and prayer-based tools that have set me free. I wholeheartedly recommend working with her if this is your struggle too; you will find a home in Debbie’s community and in her enormous heart.”

– Hollie H., Mom, Blogger, Author

Are you ready to get on your path of FREEDOM FROM FOOD ADDICTION with our support & proven framework for the next 3 Months?

FREEDOM FROM FOOD FOUNDATIONS is a program & community for women only.

PLUS: Get These Extras

BONUS #1: Freedom Embodied 3 Day Virtual Retreat

3-Day Freedom Embodied Virtual Retreat (Valued @ $997)

During this 3-Day Event, you’ll discover how to step into more possibility, power and presence so you can activate your path of living FREE from food addiction, feeling COMFORTABLE in your skin, and AUTHENTICALLY shining your light.. You’re going to…

  • Learn the proven Freedom Framework for getting and STAYING free from food addiction
  • Create your personalized Freedom From Food Action Plan so you know exactly where to start and what to do to end your obsession for good
  • Discover the secrets to moving beyond your sabotage cycle so can get unstuck and never feel like a failure again
  • Learn how to transform self doubt and indecision into conviction and confidence so you can trust yourself to make healthy choices – with food and with your life
  • Experience guided embodiment activations that reconnect you with yourself and your body
  • Walk away inspired, hopeful and 100% ready to experience a new level of freedom

BONUS #2: Freedom Embodied Guided Meditations

FREEDOM EMBODIED GUIDED MEDITATIONS to help you release anxiety, get present and cultivate more inner trust (Valued @ $497)

  • “10 Second Overwhelm & Anxiety Buster” Guided Meditation to release stress and worry in the moment
  • “Pelvic Presencing” Guided Practice to come home to yourself and get centered in your being
  • “Deep Core Activation” Guided Training to connect you in your body and strengthen your core

BONUS #3: Two Exclusive VIP Audio Trainings

2 EXCLUSIVE TRAININGS To Connect with And Honor Yourself And Your Body (Valued @ $497)

  •  Training 1: “Time For Me” Virtual Retreat – develop a loving structure for yourself with a morning and evening routine and set yourself up for self care all day
  • Training 2: Body Awareness Building & Connection Training – A powerful guided movement, meditation and embodiment session to help you connect with yourself and your body at a deeper level.

BONUS #4: Freedom From Food HOLIDAY & TRAVEL PLAN Live Training


  •  Learn how to prepare for food-related holiday celebrations so you can enjoy yourself without bingeing before, during or afterwards
  • Create your On-The-Go Holiday Travel Game Plan so you can stay in alignment with food if you are traveling or at someone else’s house
  • Receive practical tools to transmute stress and anxiety so you don’t overeat – on holidays and EVERY day!


3 Month Program

Total Value with Bonuses: $6,276

Regular Investment: $1997



Pay In Full

$94 Discount




Pay Over Time

Payment Plan



What more Women are Saying…

“I felt connected and aligned and intuitively guided and best of all…the food wasn’t calling me anymore!“

When I started working with Debbie, I was at a real low point. I had a lot of chronic pain, and couldn’t stop eating junk food as a way to numb out from pain and grief. I knew the way I was eating was bad for me and I wanted to stop, but then I also didn’t want to give up the one thing that gave me a little comfort…

I had been to years of therapy, done the Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig. I had lot of knowledge about nutrition, but I couldn’t stop eating unhealthy food.

I started working with Deb but I still didn’t believe in myself. But Deb just told me to keep showing up. So I did. And within about 3 months, something shifted in me. I felt different – in a good way. I felt connected and aligned and intuitively guided and best of all…the food wasn’t calling me anymore!

I felt empowered around my food choices. I was eating healthier and I actually wanted to eat those food. It felt good. I felt good. And, I had gotten a diagnosis around my chronic pain, which also helped me to feel more empowered. I felt on track with my health and on track with my freedom from food addiction.”

Monica M, Beauty & Skincare Business Owner

“I finally feel free around food. I don’t have “energy” around it anymore. I don’t restrict myself and I don’t binge anymore either. I’m able to stop eating once I’m full and my natural desire today is to eat foods that are healthy for me and that serve my body.“

“Before I met Deb I had a love/hate relationship with food. I’d restrict and force myself to eat 100% “on plan” until I felt so deprived that I’d give in and go on a month long binge of unhealthy foods.

After working with Deb, I finally feel free around food. I don’t have “energy” around it anymore. I don’t restrict myself and I don’t binge anymore either. I’m able to stop eating once I’m full and my natural desire today is to eat foods that are healthy for me and that serve my body.

I don’t even eat late at night or stay up late which used to be my favorite thing to do. Today I feel my soul is revived. I feel I have so much to give this life, and while there is always more, I feel I HAVE ARRIVED.”

Lindsey K., Attorney

“I feel more joyful, energized, full of life and lit up than I ever have in my life!!!“

“Before I started working with Debbie I was struggling with feeling lost, uninspired, not speaking up for myself, feeling disconnected from God, my body, and my truth. I was depressed, very critical of myself, and questioning if things would ever change. 

Through Deb’s mentoring I learned how to trust and love myself again, and today I feel connected and have the confidence to speak up and be authentic.”

Colleen S, Coach

“Today, I’ve lost over 20 pounds, my marriage is better than it’s ever been and I feel confident just being myself!“

“Before working with Deb I didn’t think it was going to work for me. I’d tried every diet plan out there and I’d lose weight but then kept putting it back on. I invested so much time and energy and KEPT FAILING that I was afraid to try one more thing. 

But I was SO uncomfortable in my skin – my fat clothes weren’t even fitting! And I was isolating a lot so I decided to jump in with both feet.

It was one of the best decisions of my life. Today, I’ve lost over 20 pounds, my marriage is better than it’s ever been, I feel confident just being myself,  and I’m able to speak up.

PLUS…I’m eating to be FED, not to cover up something or stuff something. I’ve never had this experience in my life – eating when I’m hungry and not snacking or eating to cover up pain.”

Tracy M.

Training At-A-Glance | December 1, 2020 – February 28, 2021

1st Tuesdays of the Month


2nd Tuesdays of the Month


3rd Tuesdays of the Month



3 Month Program INCLUDES:


Here’s what we have in store for you to help you have more freedom from food addiction…

Activate Your Freedom From Food Jumpstart Training (2  Hours) (Valued @ $997)

  • Access your “Getting Started Action Plan”
  • Learn the key foundational practices for getting on and staying on your path of freedom from food addiction
  • Discover the top insider secrets of food freedom success

3 Online Training Sessions with Deb Includes PROVEN tools and practices (2  Hours Each) (Valued @ $1297)

Each training session includes: 

  • A content-rich deep dive into of one of the 3 major foundational aspects to your path of freedom
  • Step-by-step guidelines for how to implement these foundational tools right away, so that you have what you need to experience more ease with food now

3 Clarity Breakthrough Group Coaching Calls (2 Hours) (Valued @ $997)

Get your biggest questions answered and laser coaching so you can gain the distinctions and insights that will catapult you on your path of freedom.

3 Accountability & Action Calls (2 Hours) (Valued @ $497)

These calls are designed to help you stay connected, stay supported & stay in ACTION to build momentum on your path of freedom from food addiction.

5 Day-A-Week Virtual Coaching In Your Private FB Community (PRICELESS)


Ask questions M-F and get support from Debbie and the Freedom Embodied Accountability Mentor Sisters

  • Get support and guidance from Deb and our team of Accountability Mentor Sisters
  • Experience the power of women on the same journey alongside you sharing their inspiration, vulnerability, and ah-has and helping you to not feel alone on your path
  • Be uplifted by a community of women inspiring each other to stretch beyond what they thought possible…

BONUSES Including a Freedom Embodied 3 Day Virtual Retreat, 3 Powerful Freedom Embodied Guided Meditations, “Time For Me Retreat” Exclusive Training, “Body Awareness Building & Connection Exclusive Training , Freedom From Food HOLIDAY & TRAVEL PLAN Live Training(Valued @ $2488)


It would be my absolute honor to walk alongside you on your path of freedom…

I know from personal experience how lonely and isolating food addiction and obsession can be and I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, you don’t have to do this alone.

I never would have been able to find freedom on my own – I was too “in” my stuff. I needed guidance and support to find out what I was missing and to navigate past my stuckness.

And now, I’m here to support you in the same way. There is an amazing sisterhood of women in this community and we would love to have you with us.

You don’t have to continue going through the motions of life, looking “together” on the outside while feeling anxious and ashamed on the inside.

Your path of freedom can start right here, right now. I would love to guide you along it, every step of the way. Let’s do this together.



A: No, you are going learn how to have a healthier relationship with food without even focusing on food. Instead of putting all your focus on sticking to a certain diet plan and trying to “be good,” the foundational practices you’ll be engaging with in the program are designed to start addressing what’s driving you to food in the first place so that your whole relationship with food changes into something healthier and more aligned.

A: You’ll want to set aside a few minutes each day to engage with one of the core foundational practices of the program, plus a 2hr training with Deb on the first three Tuesdays of each month. You’ll also want to give yourself the mental and physical space to allow for what you are learning to settle in and to explore some of the other practices in the program. So overall, on a week including a call with Deb, you might spend 3-4+ hours engaging with aspects of the program. On a week not including a call with Deb, you might spend 1-2+ hours engaging with aspects of the program.

A: While we do recommend you try to attend every call live for maximum results, if you have to miss one, each call will be recorded and uploaded to your online member portal within 24hrs so you’ll be able to get caught up easily.

A: These are the very foundational practices that helped me and thousands of other women get on our paths of freedom from food addiction and obsession. Individual results may vary but if we can do it, so can you.

A: Many strategies and approaches out there are geared towards weight loss, but they are not specifically tailored to show you how to get free from food addiction and obsession. They are also reliant on personal willpower and “sticking to a food plan.” What I am teaching you is completely different. I’m going to show you are the foundational practices for getting free from the underlying cause that drives food addiction and obsession because when you can address that, you can end the food problem for good. Another thing to consider is that everything you have already tried, and all of the tools you know, have brought you to where you currently are. If you want a new experience with food, it’s going to require you to learn new tools and apply a different approach. That is what I will be teaching you.

A: This program does not subscribe to any one religion or spiritual dogma. Our community, our coaches and this program are open and welcoming to women from all religious backgrounds and affiliations, including women who don’t have a particular religious or spiritual affiliation. This program is, however, for women who want to deepen their own spiritual connection. whatever that means for them. So if a woman is not interested in enlarging her spiritual life at all, then this program might not be the best fit for her.

A: Then you might be a good fit for our Freedom Embodied Academy. To find out if this is the best next step for you, schedule a call with Deb at http://freefromfoodclarity.today

3 Month Program

Total Value with Bonuses: $6,276

Regular Investment: $1997


Option #1

Option #2

Pay In Full

$94 Discount



Pay Over Time

Payment Plan

