
Start On Your Path Of Freedom From Food Addiction

You're Ready For Freedom From Food Addiction

You know you're here to shine your light...

And you want to be free from bingeing and obsessing on food

so you can stop hiding and holding back…


Be present with the people you care most about…


Feel comfortable in your skin…


Have the confidence to put yourself out there…


And truly enjoy your life.


But perhaps you’re feeling stuck in food sabotage instead.


You’ve tried so many things to fix this that didn’t work (or didn’t last),

you wonder if it’s even possible for you.



You wish there were a way to get free from food that didn’t require you

to go on any more diets or deprive yourself.


You want tools that meet you right where you are without overwhelming you,

as well as support in staying accountable so you don’t fall off your path.

Does any of this sound like you?

Imagine having a healthier relationship with food, where food is a source of nourishment instead of a source of shame.

I'd love to show you how to...

I got on my path of freedom by taking one tiny, incremental step at a time in the midst of MAJOR resistance and personal upheaval. I've now been living free from food addiction for 10 years.

In my first year on the path of freedom from food addiction, I discovered simple foundational practices that were so effective, that upon implementing them, I almost immediately started experiencing more ease around my relationship with food.

Then, I noticed after a few months, I wasn’t mindlessly eating anymore. I could sense when I had actual hunger and it started feeling natural to only eat at those times.

I could be at triggering places, like social gatherings or my parents house, without raiding the buffet or the fridge…

Something had changed and it was all happening without me thinking about it. I wasn’t trying to be “good.” It just felt normal – my new normal.

Over the last decade I’ve helped thousands of women use these very same foundational practices to get on their path of freedom from food too.

If we can do it, so can you!

I discovered that when women align in BODY,
MIND and SPIRIT, their relationship with food falls into alignment as well.

Over the past few years, I’ve had the great honor to guide my private clients in coming into internal alignment and have witnessed miracles…

And having the confidence to authentically shine their light in the world.

Now I’m excited to share the very foundational practices that catalyzed their path of freedom with you.

So YOU can start feeling a greater sense of ease around eating, get out of the overwhelm and anxiety, operate from a deeper level of inner trust and experience more FREEDOM from food.

What Women Are Saying...

"I've stopped thinking about what to eat all the time, I've dropped 3 sizes and I lost 20 lbs without even focusing on it."

I’d been overwhelmed for years by my bingeing and weight loss attempts. I tried every nutrition plan known to mankind, 12 steps, therapy, studied with Spiritual Masters and read bookcases of self help books. I was beyond frustrated and ashamed. Today I no longer crave foods I used to binge on, I’ve stopped thinking about what to eat all the time, I’ve dropped 3 sizes and I lost 20 pounds without even focusing on it. I’ve become more present, have less judgement and my marriage, which was on the rocks, is closer and more loving than ever.”

– Tomi B., Retired Healthcare Provider

"My life today is free, fulfilling and joyful!”

Before I started working with Deb, I was at the end of my rope. Beyond exhausted with my food addiction and ready to try one last thing or just cave into my food addiction till it killed me. As a result of the work Deb and I did together, I was able to gain more clarity about my food addiction and obsession and now have freedom using a system that actually works. As a result, I’ve lost 20 pounds, have met my life partner after years of being single and have started an energy healing practice, living my purpose. I’m able to be present in the moment, my addiction and obsession are gone and food no longer consume me.”

– Jackie B., Energy Healer, Consultant, Coach

"I am so grateful for the care, community and prayer-based tools that have set me free!"

“I met Debbie at at exactly the divine moment. I’m sure everyone feels that. But for me, she was the answer to a deep prayer. My life was good, I was outwardly successful, but there was a black hole that followed me around; I could not get a handle on my eating. I had tried diets and tapping and books but with no success. Then I signed up to work with Debbie and she led me through a detailed, profoundly spiritual, compassionate process. I am so grateful for the care, community and prayer-based tools that have set me free. I wholeheartedly recommend working with her if this is your struggle too; you will find a home in Debbie’s community and in her enormous heart.”

– Hollie H., Mom, Blogger, Author

NOW Is The Time To Get On Your Path Of Freedom From Food Addiction. And That Starts With Building A Strong Foundation.

So whether you're just coming to terms with having a food addiction...

And you want to go slow so you don’t get stuck in denial or resistance.


You've been ready for FREEDOM from food addiction for years...

I want to share with you exactly how to have a healthier relationship with food so you can get on your path of feeling lighter and more comfortable in your skin.



Use a proven framework to have a healthier relationship with food,

Eliminate anxiety in the moment,

And feel more comfortable in your skin…

Without diets, detoxes or even focusing on food.

IN THIS 3 Month Program YOU'LL LEARN TO:

Join me to learn the foundational practices for getting on your path of freedom from food addiction so you can have more ease with food, get out of overwhelm and feel more comfortable in your skin.