

Do you feel…

Blocked from your True Self

Disappointed in your relationships 

Or just called to step into the next level of who you’re here to be?

If so, you’re not alone.

More and more women are awakening to the same inner call – intuitively sensing that it’s time to get to free of what’s been weighing you down and holding you back…

Knowing in your heart it’s time to come into congruence with your True Self, enrich your capacity for love and open to an even greater sense of freedom, fulfillment and flourishing in your everyday life… 

Is it time?

Over the last 13 years, I’ve had the honor to companion women on their spiritual journey as they…

  • Learn to come home in their bodies, and feel at peace and ease in their skin.
  • Get free from the resentment, fear, hurt and disappointment that holds them back and weighs them down
  • Unravel patterns of rigidity, control and reactivity 
  • Deepen their capacity for trusting and following their intuition 
  • Clear the way for a deeper purpose to emerge through them and into the world
  • Develop their inner life and grow their capacity for love
  • Move beyond addictions and sabotage patterns

If any of these themes speak to you, or if you just feel intuitively called, I invite you to book a complimentary, no pressure discovery session with me where we can explore…

~ where you are in your journey at the moment
~ what you’re wanting next for your life
~ what might be getting in the way of you having that 

I’ll be happy to share some suggestions that can support you where you are, and, if it feels resonant, we can explore what doing more work together could look like. 

What Women Are Saying

“My life has completely transformed since I began working with Divinity. I’ve learned a whole new way of being, and as a result my relationships have gotten so much more loving, my marriage, that was at one point on the brink of divorce, is stronger and more connected than ever before and I am feeling a greater sense of peace inside no matter what’s going on around me.”


“This sacred work has released me from the heavy baggage I carried for years & reconnected me to my own divinity & inner wisdom. I feel empowered, connected & supported – making it much easier to show up authentically. I lovingly care for myself now & fully appreciate my unique contribution to the world around me.”

– Amy T

“I was completely disconnected from myself, like an outsider looking in. I didn’t even recognize myself anymore. Today I have rediscovered the capable, curious and fun-loving girl that was hiding in the corner. I am softer and no longer angry all the time. I trust myself and have stopped seeking external validation. I feel like I am finally living life!

– Karla N.

“Before I started working with Divinity I was struggling with feeling lost, uninspired, not speaking up for myself, feeling disconnected from God, my body, and my truth. I was depressed, very critical of myself, and questioning if things would ever change. Through Deb’s mentoring I learned how to trust and love myself again, and today I feel connected and have the confidence to speak up and be authentic.”

– Colleen S.

“Divinity has helped me connect my intuition and heart and deepen my connection to Source.  Her work is an authentic extension of the beautiful, divine, sincere, genuine, feminine woman that she is.  I am so incredibly grateful for her.”

– Alicia D.

Meet Divinity Grace

Divinity Grace is a spiritual transformation mentor who supports women entrepreneurs and service-based professionals wanting to deepen their inner life, so they can come into congruence with their True Selves and True Work, uncover new levels of their own intuitive wisdom, and experience their everyday with a greater sense of freedom, fulfillment and flourishing. 

Drawing from her extensive background in spiritual embodiment, addiction & eating disorder recovery, mind-body fitness, human flourishing, and the study of evolving consciousness, Divinity weaves together the mystical with the practical to companion women on their spiritual journey, supporting women in restoring their inherent radiance and realizing their greatest potential.

Everything your soul longs for is already here. 

You’ve just been obscuring your embodiment of it. 

Are you ready to learn a new way of being where the seeking, searching and self-improvement stops and you can finally just Be?

If so, I invite you to schedule a complimentary, no pressure discovery session with me where we can explore if it feels like a good fit for us to work together.

  • Which of the common barriers to embodying your Divinity are affecting you the most and what to do to move beyond them 
  • I’ll also help you get clear about your specific next steps to uncovering a new level of Divine embodiment.
  • And this call is also where we can explore if working together is the right next step for you.

I’ve opened up this time to meet specifically with women who have felt an inner calling from within – to discover, experience and embody the Truth of who you are and who are ready for a big shift in how you’re showing up in your life.

If that’s you, it would be an honor to connect with you.